Initial meeting (required): $200 for 2 hours over FaceTime or equivalent video chat app.
Age groups: High School through Age 99+
Marathon, 30k, Half Marathon, 20k, 10 Miles, 15k, 10k, 5k, Cross country, Track - 600m, 800m, 1000m, 1500m, 1600m, Mile, 3000m, 3200m, 5000m.
Call 480-444-8841 for up-to-date pricing; includes:
Video and frame-by-frame detailed analysis, review and critique of running form from front, sides and back, instruction on improvement, running drills, dynamic and static stretching, breathing, strength training for runners. Plan on 3-5 sessions over 3 months to get the most out of it. There's too much to cover in just one session, though you will learn a lot in 2 hours.
Individuals, one-time visit only: Required initial assessment is $200 for a 2 hour session.
Individual sessions: $80 per hour
Video and frame-by-frame detailed analysis, review and critique of running form from front, sides and back, instruction on improvement, running drills, dynamic and static stretching, breathing, strength training, endurance for sports like soccer, basketball and lacrosse, which consist almost entirley of running. Plan on 3-5 sessions over 3 months to get the most out of it. There's too much to cover in just one session, though you will learn a lot in 2 hours.
Individuals, one-time visit only: Required initial assessment is $200 for a 2 hour session.
Individual sessions: $80 per hour
Age groups: High School through Age 99+
Marathon, 30k, Half Marathon, 20k, 10 Miles, 15k, 10k, 5k, Cross country, Track - 600m, 800m, 1000m, 1500m, 1600m, Mile, 3000m, 3200m, 5000m
Work with special needs runners, ages 10 & up. A one-on-one, step-by-step program to introduce the wonderful sport of running to the lives of individuals with unique circumstances. Running can improve the lives of any individual, regardless of their setbacks or condition, by giving them a feeling of accomplishment and a release of endorphins. A one hour interview is required prior to beginning any program. Program durations are 4 weeks at a time. Disability, area of need must be disclosed prior to signing up. "Special Needs" or "a little behind" does not qualify.
(Slight) Hearing Impairment
Intellectual Disability
Multiple Disabilities
Orthopedic Impairment (Must have use of legs or prosthetic)
Other Health Impaired
Specific Learning Disability
Speech or Language Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
(Mild) Visual Impairment
Programs start at $1000/mth.
Arizona Senior Games 2023
Privately-led runs and strength training sessions for hard-working corporate executives who have limited time.
Individuals: text 480-444-8841 for availability and pricing
*Travel fees apply for home/office visits.
Call 480-444-8841 for up-to-date pricing; includes:
480-444-8841 | |
Copyright © Flash Santoro Training Systems | 480-444-8841 |