The 2023 dates for the Sprint Pentathlon are Sunday, February 12 and Sunday, April 9, 2023 as of 12/22/2022.  

Sprint Pentathlon

an arizona league of masters track and field event

2023 Sprint pentathlon 11 - 1 Mile, 100m, 400m, 200m, 800m

Sprint Pent #1 & #3 Champion 

Michael Fussell, age 61

 480-444-8841   |   |

Come out Sunday, April 9 to participate in the fun and challenge that is the Sprint Pentathlon (no prior experience required)! 

REGISTER HERE for the April 9 meet! 

What is it? A track meet where you can do individual races or challenge yourself to all five!!

It's a grueling event with 5 back-to-back races, 2 distance runner-type sprints and 3 sprinter-type sprints. Each Sprint Pentathlon consists of 5 races contested, with a new race starting every 30 minutes. This one will be comprised of a Mile, 100m, 400m, 200m, then 800m. Again, you may run one, some, or all races wtihin the meet. Seed times you provide will determine your heat and yield amazing competition. You'll be matched with people of similar ability. Points earned through the age graded chart.  I give out a $50 cash prize for the top age-graded score among those who do all five events, determined the day after the meet concludes and performances have been finalized. The distinction of Most Versatile Track Athlete is awarded to the top age-graded finisher with the highest score of 5 races combined. The Most Versatile Family is awarded to the family who earns the most points combined from all five races.

What's involved: A workout with a bunch of recovery, a bunch of fun people that love/hate track as much as you do, a chance to PR, and a chance to win $50 if you have the most total age-graded points accumulated after finishing all 5 events. 

Where: Mt Pointe HS 4201 E Knox Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85044

When: Sunday, April 9, from 9-11:30 AM

8:15 AM - Arrive, warmup, check in/scratch 

9:00 AM - Mile
9:30 AM - 100m 
10:00 AM - 400m
10:30 AM - 200m 
11:00 AM - 800m

Who: All ages welcome! We have ages up to 70+!! LIMITED TO THE FIRST 40 PEOPLE TO SIGN UP!

Cost: Early Registration $30 per person until Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at noon.  Late registration $40 until Friday, February 10 at noon. 

Deadline: Friday, February 10 at noon.